— post by Dr. Peres

We are in the thick of trying to finish up our excavations for the field season and continue to fulfill our goal of community outreach and public education. The first two days of this week have been filled with all of the above! The Daily News Journal ran a feature story (on the FRONT PAGE) of our work this summer. Michelle Willard (@MichWillard), the DNJ reporter that visited us on-site, is to be commended for writing up an accurate and exciting account of what RCARP and our field school are all about. We currently have a laminated copy of the article hanging in the lab!


Cover story (in print and on-line) of the DNJ on 6.23.14

Cover story (in print and on-line) of the DNJ on 6.23.14

On Tuesday we hosted about 30 MTSU VIPs for the inaugural “Dig & Dine” to showcase the great work of the archaeology faculty, staff, and students at MTSU. I want to write a longer post on this as it was a great event that created a lot of enthusiasm for archaeology in Rutherford County. We were honored to have MTSU President Dr. Sidney McPhee and First Lady Liz McPhee, as well as University Provost Dr. Brad Bartel, on hand for the event. Here is a picture from the event with a longer post and more pictures to come!

 Dr. Tanya M. Peres and Jesse Tune, Co-Directors of the Magnolia Valley Project, show MTSU President Dr. Sidney McPhee the earth oven feature.